We’ve all seen those crime shows about forensic scientists, right? Those seemingly mind-reading profilers who can deduce a person’s pattern of behaviour just by observing how they write their name on a piece of paper, or the way they drink their coffee. It seems like magic, but really, it’s just a detailed observation of behaviour. What would you think if I told you that the same could be said of your home? It’s easy to dismiss our furnishings and style as just a nothing decision, but there really is a wealth of information that can be gleaned about you just by observing your home.
What Your Home Says About Who You Are

Think about the first time you tacked up a poster or a drawing in your childhood room. It wasn’t because you were terribly concerned with decor for decor’s sake. You were making a statement. “I love horses” or “this boy band is my favourite” or “this movie is the best movie in the world”. The magazine cutout of Lance Bass from NSYNC (this is a judgement free zone :P) that lived on my wall for the duration of my late elementary school days said as much about me as the photos of my family and my cats on the wall do now. Realistically, all of us are trying to claim an identity with decor. Look around your house. What statements are you making with the art on your walls, or the wedding china you chose, or the blanket over the back of your couch? What posters or photographs are on your wall that lay claim to who you are as a person?
What Your Home Says About Where You're Going

Items in our home aren’t just static descriptors of who we are. As much as they can be used to stake a claim in our personal story, they can also be used to carve out the story as it’s happening. Certain spaces are meant to invoke different feelings. A workspace might be designed to be inspiring or motivating. A family room is used to convey warmth, while a bedroom might be designed around comfort or luxury. You create your path forward with the space you live in. Look around you. What feelings do you invoke with the most important spaces in your home? Are there any you’d like to change? Pick a space that isn’t doing what you need it to and see if there’s something you can do to create more of the feeling you want out of the space. Looking for more creative success? Take your workspace and add some items that make you feel inspired, like a poster, a photograph of what motivates you, or a book you admire. If you need a little more relaxation in your life, try adding a gorgeous-smelling candle to your bedroom, or getting a plush throw blanket for your living room to add an inviting feeling. Use your space to create your future.
What Your Home Says About Who You Want To Be

The last piece of information your home tells us is the kind of person you want to be. Here, we look at the books on your shelves, the planner cluttering your desk, the guitar you bought and never learned to play…and we learn about the things you want out of life. If you’re like a lot of people, you’ve got a lot of unused things in your life. There’s a planner that you used to use daily that’s fallen by the wayside. Or there’s a book you bought, but only finished half of, but can’t bring yourself to give away. A host of clothes that used to fit that you aren’t wearing, but nevertheless take up permanent space in your closet. Why do you have these things? It could just be that you don’t want to take them out, but for many, it runs so much deeper than that. These are little pieces of a person you’d like to be. You’d like to play music, or learn Spanish, or be more organized. You’d like to be fit and healthy again, you’d like to know more about history, or art, or knitting. If you look around and ask why you have the things you have, sometimes you can end up with a clear path forward towards the goals that mean the most to you.
Did any of this speak to you? Maybe you’ve learned something about yourself, or you’d like to share what part of your home means to you. I want to know! Leave your thoughts and feelings in the comments and start a conversation!